Beginning Web Development

This course covers the fundamentals of building a website with HTML and CSS. Students will build their own static websites on a topic of their choice. No prior knowledge is required for this course, and everybody is welcome.

Lesson 1: Intro to HTML and CSS with DevTools and Replit

Week 1 Day 1 | Slides

This lesson introduces HTML and CSS, and uses DevTools/Inspect Element to explore code in both languages. It also covers creating an account and a repl on

Lesson 2: File Systems and URLs

Week 1 Day 2 | Slides

This lesson focuses on folders and file paths and their uses in websites. It also covers URLs and the importance of the index.html file.

Lesson 3: HTML Tags

Week 2 Day 1 | Slides

This lesson introduces the concept of HTML tags and covers the uses of some of the most common HTML tags. It also emphasizes the importance of the idea of nesting HTML tags.

Lesson 4: More HTML Tags and Attributes

Week 2 Day 2 | Slides

This lesson introduces the concept of HTML attributes for tags like <a> and <img>.

Lesson 5: HTML Meta Data

Week 3 Day 1 | Slides

This lesson introduces the meta data of HTML such as <title> and <head>.

Lesson 6: Styling with CSS

Week 3 Day 2 | Slides

This lesson introduces how to style HTML pages with CSS.

No class. Mid-winter break

Week 4

Lesson 7: CSS Selector

Week 5 Day 1 | Slides

This lesson covers CSS Selectors.

Lesson 8: Layout with CSS

Week 5 Day 2 | Slides

This lesson cover how to manage the layout of CSS.

Lesson 9: Positioning with CSS

Week 6 Day 1 | Slides

This lesson covers how to position elements with CSS.

Lesson 10: Structuring Webpages with CSS

Week 6 Day 2 | Slides

This lesson covers how to structure HTML elements with CSS.

Lesson 11: Capstone Project

Week 7 Day 1 | Slides

This lesson introduces the Capstone Project.

Lesson 12: Fonts and Worktime

Week 7 Day 2 | Slides

This lesson covers fonts. We'll also work on the Capstone Project

Lesson 13: Capstone Project Worktime

Week 8 Day 1 | Slides

We'll provide individualized help for every student's Capstone Project

Lesson 14: Capstone Project Worktime

Week 8 Day 2 | Slides

Students will finish their Capstone Project. We'll also cover potential enhancement ideas for the Capstone Project.

Lesson 15: Capstone Project Demo

Week 9 Day 1 | Slides

Every student will give a demo of their Capstone Project

Lesson 16: Tech Career and Web Security Basics

Week 9 Day 2 | Slides

This lesson covers career tracks in the tech industry. We'll also discuss basics of web security.